The people that keep you grounded and lift you up simultaneously. Those whose love seems to have no bounds. The ones that may annoy you one minute and provide peace the next. Friends and family, or your tribe or village is the vibe that we are on at Jobim Clothing this summer. There is no better time to fellowship with the ones you love in any way that you see fit. Here are a couple ideas for some fun and maybe some family traditions down the line.
Let’s start with the babies. Kids can be some of the toughest critics, but if you keep it creative, they will be dazzled. Gather the children of your village and have a Glow’d up Sleepover. This is a great chance to let them stay up late, have fun in the dark and tire themselves out. Get your hands on some black lights, glow sticks, some music and snacks and you have a black out party. Neon slime, fluorescent (washable) paint, and maybe even a glowing treasure hunt. They may be dancing in the dark till the sun comes up, but it will be a late start the next morning.
For the adults, who doesn’t love a good game that may or may not involve alcohol. Why play regular Jenga when you can play Giant, drunk, truth or dare Jenga? Do with that as you will. Revert to childhood and make an adult size slip and slide in the yard. No family function would be complete without a game of cards. Have an Uno Tournament followed a spades workshop for those who don’t know how to play (like me). Settle all disputes with a dance battle, winner takes all.
Once everyone is together put together a game of family trivia. This is a great way to learn about your family and revisit good times in a way that only family can do. Make this more interesting by picking teams or having Cousins vs. Aunts and Uncles. Depending on the size of your family, have everyone submit 2 or more questions and throw some curveballs to make it interesting. Also, a game of ‘Generational Name that Tune’ is a great way to bridge the gap. If you really want a laugh, have each contestant to the dance that goes with the song, new or old.
All these ideas are sure to have you wrapped in love and laughter if your family is anything like mine. No matter how or when you do it, time spent with family is precious and should always be cherished. This summer and every day, the family at Jobim Clothing wants to give you ways to spread love and build up your village. Reach out, make connections, let someone close to you know that they are valued. From the family that you are born with to the ones that you choose along the way, remember that where there is family, there is love.
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